Cowco, Inc. was formed in 1995, our goal was to distribute and service, quality safe and efficient cattle handling equipment. To further that goal, we have designed and manufactured our own line of working Chutes, Alleyways, Crowding Tubs, Panels, and other accessories. We wanted to ensure a design that was user-friendly and maintained noise reduction within our cattle system.
To compliment our cattle system, we also offer other quality brands of livestock equipment, such as Easy Way, Pride of the Farm, Callicrate Banders, Jug Waterers, Bazooka Farmstar, Digi-Star. We also serve as a factory Rep. for S.I. Feeders.
Our Mission: To provide products that minimize stress and maximize safety for both the livestock and operator.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

trade shows
Go Check out where we will be next either on our events page or Facebook.. Cowco, inc. does multiple trade shows a year, where we feature multiple different livestock equipment brands.

cattle dogs
Joe & debbie biehle Got their first Australian cattle dog in 1991. soon after cowco started we started supplying working cattle dogs to our customers.
over the years we have strived to improve the quality of our dogs. because of our success we have shipped dog to most states, even Canada and mexico.

Social Media
Follow us on facebook to stay up to date on for on going promotions, featured equipment, next trade shows, and last but not least our very own Cowco puppies!!!